3 Important Things You Need To Do After An Auto Accident

Getting into a car accident puts you in a difficult position. If you were hit by someone else and are injured, you may have to be taken to the hospital, go through rehabilitation, or even have surgery. If you later decide to hire an auto accident attorney to work with your case, you'll need several pieces of information. Here are three things you need to do as soon as possible following an accident so you have the best chance of winning compensation when you go to court. [Read More]

Seeking Custody Of Your Child? Don't Forget To Tell Your Lawyer About These Things

If you are getting ready for a custody hearing for your child, you are probably feeling incredibly nervous. Child custody can be a very personal and upsetting thing, but hiring a family law attorney can help you win your case. You will need to make sure that you tell your lawyer a few things to ensure that your hearing goes as smoothly as possible, however, so don't forget to mention these important things to your lawyer before you go to court. [Read More]

What Are The Penalties For A DUI?

A DUI, which stands for "driving under the influence," has certain penalties and punishments. The penalty depends on a number of factors, from how many offenses you have to any other crimes that were committed while you were intoxicated. If you are pulled over and get a DUI, here are some possible penalties you might be facing. Fine The most common penalty you will face if you get a DUI is paying a fine. [Read More]