Biting Back: Seeking Damages after a Dog Attack

Dogs may be considered man's best friends, but if you are the unlucky person who gets on the bad side of a canine, you could end up with major injuries after an attack. In fact, between 2006 and 2008 in the United States, there were actually 88 dog attacks that had fatal results. If you are injured by your own dog, there may be little you can do but fork over cash for your bills and deal with lost wages. [Read More]

Criminal Defense: What You Should Know About The Arraignment

If you are arrested for a crime, you will go through several different stages of the criminal case. One of the first stages is the arraignment. The arraignment is your first appearance in front of the judge and will give you more information, such as what charges you might face and if you can get out of police custody. Here is more information about arraignment and what you should expect. [Read More]

If You Get A Germ At The Gym, Can You Sue?

Summer is getting closer and closer and many people are hitting their gyms in hopes the treadmills and Zumba classes will help them tone up before it's time for tank tops and shorts. Unfortunately, gyms are fantastic breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses of all sorts - you can pick up everything from ringworm to staph infections there. If you do happen to pick up one of the nasty gym germs, can you sue? [Read More]

2 Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney After A Car Accident

Being involved in an accident is never going to be an easy experience, especially when you consider the many expenses that can show up shortly after a car accident. However, a personal injury attorney like Eric J. Moore Company, Attorneys At Law can help you make the experience a bit better by helping you get the money that you are owed and ensuring that the right person takes the blame for the accident. [Read More]